Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest (QVSR)- Tilbury Seafarers Centre



Charity Number: 1106126

Address: 121-131 East India Dock Road, Poplar, London

Postcode: E14 6DF

Phone: 020 7987 5466

Website: www.qvsr.org.uk

Email: enquiries@qvsr.org.uk


Summary: The Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest will provide accommodation and welfare support for seafarers both active and retired, ex-Servicemen and other adults in need of accommodation. The charity aims to do this in a caring environment where individuals will be helped and encouraged - physically, mentally and spiritually - to meet their full potential, regardless of race, colour or creed.

Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest (QVSR) actively works within the Port of London providing Chaplaincy services to visiting ships/seafarers at the Port of Tilbury and DP World London Gateway. It also provides a satellite seafarers' centre (Cafe Maritime) serving the upper pool area of the Thames. For further information please contact our Chaplain on 07958 005124.

Note/Restrictions: No minimum length of service. All applications for accommodation considered on an individual basis. Applicants must be male (at present) but can be any nationality.



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