The MNTB is the shipping industry’s central body for promoting and developing sector specific education, training and skills. It is a voluntary body and a part of the UK Chamber of Shipping, the trade association for the UK shipping industry. Their vision is:
“To deliver skilled seafarers to the Merchant Navy and the wider shipping industry both now and in the future by ensuring, the best training is delivered by the best organisations, to create the best seafarers.”
They work closely with shipping and ship management companies, nautical educational establishments and organisations, seafarer trade unions, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and industry organisations with an interest in seafarer education and training.
There are a wide range of careers promotion activities through the ‘Careers at Sea’ brand. For information on initial training and starting a career in the Merchant Navy, refer to Information for qualified seafarers looking to develop their careers on board ship and ashore can be found on
The MNTB also produced a Maritime Careers Map, hosted on the Careers at Sea and Beyond website. This live document provides an insight into career pathways following Merchant Navy training, supported by experiences from seafarers who have worked on board ship and ashore within the maritime industry. Those looking to develop their careers in the maritime industry from Merchant Navy backgrounds may find this resource useful.